The clinical diagnostic practice has been developed in many different ways adding new tools and technologies to make doctors job easier and faster, except the auscultation, it is the oldest method ever , not accurate and cause uncomfortable situation for both clinicians and patients too, so I think it is the time now to replace this old technique and start a new era.

We are very familiar with portable ultrasound machines, it is existed in the market many years ago and been used widely as an alternative from the big bulky machine, but the fact is portable machines are heavy weight to hold too with bulky carts to move around, its only has the portable reputation, but you can’t hold it with you and transfer it easily.

Later on some companies launched very nice compact portable machine small monitor + probe on slim cart, it was lighter in weight and size, and it was used mainly in POC applications (ICU , MSK ….etc) .

few years ago, the diagnostic imaging field had witnessed an outstanding product the HANDHELD ULTRSOUND a small probe only ,which can be connected wirelessly with any smart device (android or IOS), and it can almost perform as a normal ultrasound machine .

The developers’ companies already started the journey in developing and producing new HANDHELD Ultrasound to create new competitive tool for easier and better diagnostic, also as response to the significant increment in demanding for POCUS.

According to a market study the Estimated growth in the POC ultrasound (POCUS) market is expected to exceed $3 billion globally by 2025, up from $1.3 billion in 2018.

And Handheld devices accounted for 32% of revenue in 2018, also market demand for therapeutic interventions using ultrasound like (nerve blocking, sports medicine-based injections …etc) is expected to grow faster than diagnostic as well.

Many questions from users about this technology, Is it ready? is it the right diagnostic tool for me? why I need it? ……etc.

Now we can’t say Yes or No, but we can have a look on the pros and cons of these technology’s’ capabilities and limitations.


·      Handheld ultrasound is a good start for fresh doctors with low budget, it is better than no machine, the prices in the market between 1500 -5000 USD.

·      Easy to hold and use (pocket size).

·      Battery operated, free to move.

·      Handheld ultrasound systems gained popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic because they’re small and easy to disinfect. With no cords to worry about.

·      Software features like

o  Some models have AI features.

o  clouding

o  Share ultrasound scanning instantly across multiple devices.

o  Print reports.

·      Good resolution for superficial structures images less than 3 cm depth.


As every new technology there are limitations and challenges:

·      image quality: The main issue with these handheld devices is the image quality at greater depth. There is struggle with deep structures (structures > 4cm depth).

·      The existing models in the market, is not be enough to cover your daily scan , and you will need a big machine after some time ,because when you start to scan you become aware of the limitations of the machine and, as you get better at scanning you want to see structures in greater detail and will often start scanning deeper structures.

·      The handheld ultrasound is not designed for long scanning time, as the Battery get heat after time.

·      Some models has color doppler and pulse wave feature but with limit performance.

the fact that HANDHELD ultrasound will be an important tool for clinician daily work ,it is easy to use , transferable and affordable , will let every clinician to keep it in the pocket and use it immediately once it need it , without preparation and at any location in the hospital without moving the patients, this could be very help full tool in many situation in EMG and even the ambulance cars as well.

After the Covid-19 pandemic, the healthcare team suffered from lack of preventive protections products while they have to contact a huge number of patients daily, using stethoscope with few centimeters between clinician’s face and patients bodies to do auscultation, which increased the dangerous and number of infections between healthcare providers.

Therefor I can feel that one day the HANDHELD ultrasound will be the new STETHOSCOPE , for every clinician, they can See and Hear , for more accurate and comfortable diagnostician way.

By: Emad Baba