During exhibitions we can see two companies or more trying to sales similar products , with a little difference in shape or color , or maybe the same design but with different model name .
and for sure this product has been produced by third factory and sold under OEM or ODM agreement to several companies .
this can be a good sign to the high demanding for this product in the market, but as trading company bringing like this product to the market , is not a safe way for the investments in (Marketing , Promoting … etc) , because customers will get confused , and they can buy this product from any dealer.
therefor the best way is to deal exclusively with the manufacturer company who don’t have OEM agreements .
of course I am talking about medical devices business only, and I am not sure about other industries .
what is OEM , ODM and OBL ??
OEM : Original Equipment Manufacturer
In case of an OEM request, the customer on its own designs the external case and provides the necessary certification for selling in their own country, we only provide the electronic components. The customer will therefore have a product which is totally personalized and marketable anywhere in the world. This is the ideal solution for franchisors and well-known brands who already have their own customized machine body.
ODM :Original Design Manufacturer
If the customer prefers to assign Factory the entire development, we will provide an ODM device. Both the electronic content and machine body will be our responsibility. We will design & develop the finished product, certify it under client’s own brand and customize the machine body.
OBL :Own Brand Labeling
OBL is the intermediate situation whereas CE certification by factory produces a certification under the customer’s own brand. Thus we will provide for the customer an identical product to ours, using our own machine body and only the logo will be customized.
By: Emad Baba